Maintenance On These Three Well Pumps Can Prevent Replacement Costs

Environmental Blog

There are many kinds of well pumps available on the market today. These pumps operate in several different ways and can also fail in several ways. Understanding these failures is critical to ensuring that you can diagnose these issues.

Well Pump Failure Can Occur On Many Types Of Pumps

There are many kinds of well pumps available on the market today. These pumps operate in several different ways and can also fail in several ways. Understanding these failures is critical to ensuring that you can diagnose these issues.

Issues Can Affect Multiple Types of Pumps

There are three common types of well pumps used to draw water from underground wells. If you aren't sure what kind your home has, you should be able to check by talking to a well pump specialist. These pumps and their most common issue include:

  • Shallow Wet Jet Pump – These pumps sit above ground and pull water through an inlet. Common issues include problems with the one-way check valve.
  • Deep Well Jet Pump – This type of pump also sits above the ground but pulls water from as deep as 110 feet. Common issues include clogged tailpipes that lead to a dry well.
  • Deep Well Submersible Pump – Pumps of this variety can draw water from as deep as 400 feet, making them a good choice for a property with deep water sources. Their control boxes are essential but may malfunction with overuse.

All of these pump types have their benefits and drawbacks. However, they often showcase many of the same types of well pump failure symptoms. As a result, it is a good idea to understand these issues and to adjust your well use when they occur. These symptoms include: 

  • Dirty water coming from your sink or tub
  • Odd grumbling noises from your pipes
  • High electric bills that indicate heavy pump use

These symptoms are common because, while the parts and components may vary between each pump, they operate in a very similar way. As a result, it is important to get them repaired or maintained before replacement is necessary.

Costs Can Vary

It is important to get your well pump failures repaired as soon as possible. Failure to do so could cause compounding issues that increase the cost of your repairs. For example, having to replace a tank on its own can cost as much as $500. However, total well pump failure will cost you the price of buying a completely new pump and the labor to install it. These prices can top $2,000.

Thankfully, common maintenance procedures can be undertaken to keep these issues from impacting you. For example, you can get the control boxes of a deep well submersible pump checked out regularly to ensure there is no damage or issues that could cause them to fail. Talk to a well pump specialist to set up a maintenance schedule to keep them running

So if you own one of these well pumps and need help getting them replaced, make sure to talk to a professional about this issue. They can help you ensure that your well operates smoothly and avoids serious damage.

So if you own one of these well pumps and need help getting them replaced, make sure to talk to a professional about pump repairs. They can help you ensure that your well operates smoothly and avoids serious damage.


9 April 2018

Protecting Precious Resources

About a year ago, it occurred to me that there were some serious gaps in my focus on protecting the environment. We were always running the hose when we shouldn't be, disposing of the wrong items in our community trash can, and littering. I knew that I wanted to make things better, so we began thinking about different ways to protect our Earth's precious resources. I began focusing on keeping our yard cleaner and working with the city to take advantage of green living initiatives, and it saved me a lot of money. Check out this website for great tips on protecting resources.